Thursday 16 August 2012

Windows 7 Advantage WAT/WGA Genuine Activation Remover

Windows 7 Advantage WAT/WGA Genuine Activation Remover
Do you always get annoying message from windows: “This copy of windows is not genuine ” and black screen with messages such as “it isn’t safe to you to use copied windows” or ” you may be a victim”…
We released one little piece of software which will end this drama.
We present to you Windows Advantage WAT/WGA Genuine Activation Remover named RemoveWAT.exe.
This piece of software does simple thing: Delete Activation Windows files, and all Genuine files which spam your Windows.
Don’t worry, it wont delete Update Windows option!
Install instructions:
1. Lunch RemoveWAT.exe
2. Click button Remove WAT
3. Click OK
4. Wait it to finish, and it will automaticly Reboot Windows
5. Enjoy!

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